
Encrypt a USB Drive (or any other partition) Using LUKS

Did you ever want to feel like secret agent or do you really need to transport and exchange sensitive data? Encrypting your data is not much effort and can be used to protect a pen drive or any partition and the data on it from unauthorized access. In the following example you see how to create an encrypted partition on a disk. Note two things: If you accidentally encrypt the wrong partition, the data is lost. For ever. So be careful when entering the commands below. Secondly, the method shown below only protects the data at rest. As soon as you decrypt and mount the device, the data can be read from everyone else if you do not use correct permissions.


Prepare a mount point for your data and change ownership.

# Create a mount point
sudo mkdir /media/cryptoUSB
# Set permissions for the owner
sudo chown stefan:stefan /media/cryptoUSB

Create an Encrypted Device

Encrypt the device with LUKS. Note that all data on the partition will be overwritten during this process.

# Create encrypted device 
sudo cryptsetup --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sdX -c aes -s 256 -h sha256

# From the man page:
       --cipher, -c 
              Set the cipher specification string.
       --key-size, -s 
              Sets  key  size in bits. The argument has to be a multiple of 8.
              The possible key-sizes are limited by the cipher and mode used.
       --verify-passphrase, -y
              When interactively asking for a passphrase, ask for it twice and
              complain  if  both  inputs do not match.
       --hash, -h 
              Specifies the passphrase hash for open (for  plain  and  loopaes
              device types).

# Open the Device
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX cryptoUSB
# Create a file system (ext3)
sudo mkfs -t ext3 -m 1 -O dir_index,filetype,sparse_super /dev/mapper/cryptoUSB
# Add a label
sudo tune2fs -L Crypto-USB /dev/mapper/cryptoUSB
# Close the devicesudo cryptsetup luksClose cryptoUSB


The usage is pretty simple. With a GUI you will be prompted for decrypting the device. At the command line, use the following commads to open and decrypt the device.

# Open the Device
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdcX cryptoUSB
# Mount it
sudo mount /dev/mapper/cryptoUSB /media/cryptoUSB

When you are finished with your secret work, unmount and close the device properly.

sudo umount /media/cryptoUSB 
sudo cryptsetup luksClose cryptoUSB

Secure Automated Backups of a Linux Web Server with Rrsync and Passwordless Key Based Authentication

Backups Automated and Secure

Backing up data is an essential task, yet it can be cumbersome and requires some work. As most people are lazy and avoid tedious tasks wherever possible, automation is the key, as it allows us dealing with more interesting work instead. In this article, I describe how a Linux Web server can be backed up in a secure way by using restricted SSH access to the rsync tool. I found a great variety of useful blog posts, which I will reuse in this article.

This is what we want to achieve:

  • Secure data transfer via SSH
  • Passwordless authentication via keys
  • Restricted rsync access
  • Backup of all files by using a low privileged user

In this article, I will denote the client which should be backed up WebServer. The WebServer contains all the important data that we want to keep. The BackupServer is responsible for fetching the data in a pull manner from the WebServer.

On the BackupServer

On the BackupServer, we create a key pair without a password which we can use for authenticating with the WebServer. Details about passwordless authentication are given here.

# create a password less key pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa # The keys are named rsync-backup.key.public and rsync-backup.key.private

On the WebServer

We are going to allow a user who authenticated with her private key to rsync sensitive data from our WebServer to the BackupServer, This user should have a low privileged account and still being able to backup data which belongs to other users. This capability comes with a few security threats which need to be mitigated. The standard way to backup data is rsync. The tool can be potentially dangerous, as it allows the user to write data to an arbitrary location if not handled correctly. In order to deal with this issue, a restricted version of rsync exists, which locks the usage of the tool to a declared directory: rrsync.

Obtain Rrsync

You can obtain rrsync from the developer page or extract it from your Ubuntu/Debian distribution as described here. With the following command you can download the file from the Web page and store it as executable.

sudo wget -O /usr/bin/rrsync
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rrsync

Add a Backup User

First, we create a new user and verify the permissions for the SSH directory.

sudo adduser rsync-backup # Add a new user and select a strong password
su rsync-backup # change into new account
ssh rsync-backup@localhost # ssh to some location e.g.  such that the .ssh directory is created
chmod go-w ~/ # Set permissions
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Create a Read Only of the Data You Want to Backup

I got this concept from this blog post. As we want to backup also data from other users, our backup user (rsync-backup) needs to have read access to this data. As we do not want to change the permissions for the rsync-backup user directly in the file system, we use bindfs to create read only view of the data we want to backup. We will create a virtual directory containing all the other directories that we want to backup. This directory is called `/mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly`` . Instead of copying all the data into that directory, which would be a waste of space, we link all the other directories into the backup folder and then sync this folder to the BackupServer.

One Time Steps:

The following steps create the directory structure for the backup and set the links to the actual data that we want backup. With this method, we neither need root, sudo or any advanced permissions. We simply create a readonly view of the data where the only user with access is rsync-backup.

sudo apt-get install acl bindfs # Install packages
sudo mkdir /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly # Create the base directory
sudo chown -R rsync-backup /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly # Permissions
sudo mkdir /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/VAR-WWW # Create subdirectory for /var/www data
sudo mkdir /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/MySQL-Backups # Create subdirectory for MySQL Backups
sudo setfacl -m u:rsync-backup:rx /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/ # Set Access Control List permissions for read only
sudo setfacl -m u:rsync-backup:rx /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/MySQL-Backups
sudo setfacl -m u:rsync-backup:rx /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/VAR-WWW


In order to use these directories, we need to mount the folders. We set the permissions for bindfs and establish the link between the data and our virtual backup folders.

sudo bindfs -o perms=0000:u=rD,force-user=rsync-backup /var/www /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/VAR-WWW
sudo bindfs -o perms=0000:u=rD,force-user=rsync-backup /Backup/MySQL-Dumps /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/MySQL-Backups

These commands mount the data directories and create a view. Note that these commands are only valid until you reboot. If the above works and the rsync-backup user can access the folder, you can add the mount points to fstab to automatically mount them at boot time. Unmount the folders before you continue with sudo umount /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/*  .

Permanently Add the Virtual Folders

You can add the folders to fstab like this:

# Backup bindfs 
/var/www    /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/VAR-WWW fuse.bindfs perms=0000:u=rD,force-user=rsync-backup 0   0
/Backups/MySQL-Dumps    /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly/MySQL-Backups fuse.bindfs perms=0000:u=rD,force-user=rsync-backup 0   0

Remount the directories with sudo mount -a .

Adding the Keys

In the next step we add the public key from the BackupServer to the authorized_keys file from the rsync-backup user at the WebServer. On the BackupServer, cat the public key and copy the output to the clipboard.

ssh user@backupServer
cat rsync-backup.key.public

Switch to the WebServer and login as rsync-backup user. Then add the key to the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
The file now looks similar like this:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3N ............ fFiUd rsync-backup@webServer```

We then prepend the key with the only command this user should be able to execute: rrsync. We add additional limitations for increasing the security of this account. We can provide an IP address and limit the command execution further. The final file contains the following information:

command=”/usr/bin/rrsync -ro /mnt/Backups-Rsync-Readonly”,from="”,no-pty,no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3N ………… fFiUd rsync-backup@webServer

Now whenever the user rsync-backup connects, the only possible command is rrsync. Rrsync itself is limited to the directory provided and only has read access. We also verify the IP address and restrict the source of the command.

#### Hardening SSH

Additionall we can force the rsync-backup user to use the keybased authentication only. Additionally we set the IP address restriction for all SSH connections in the sshd_config as well.

AllowUsers rsync-backup@ Match User rsync-backup PasswordAuthentication no

## Backing Up

Last but not least we can run the backup. To start synching we login into the BackupServer and execute the following command. There is no need to provide paths as the only valid path is already defined in the authorized_key file.

rsync -e “ssh -i /home/backup/.ssh/rsync-backup.key.private” -aLP  –chmod=Do+w rsync-backup@webServer: .

# Conclusion

This article covers how a backup user can create backups of data owned by other users without having write access to the data. The backup is transferred securely via SSH and can run unattended. The backup user is restricted to using rrsync only and we included IP address verification. The backup user can only create backups of directories we defined earlier.

A Reasonable Secure, Self-Hosted Password Database with Versioning and Remote Access

The average computer users needs to memorize at least 17 passwords for private accounts. Power users need to handle several additional accounts for work too and memorizing (good and complex) passwords quickly becomes a burden if not yet impossible. To overcome the memory issue, there exists a variety of tools, which allow to store passwords and associated metadata in password stores. Typically, a password manager application consists of a password file, which contains the passwords and the metadata in structured form, and an application, assisting the user in decrypting and encrypting the passwords. A typical example is Keepass, which is an open source password management application. Keypass uses a master password in order to encrypt the password file. An additional key file can be used in order to increase security by requiring a second factor to open the password database. There exists a very large variety of ports of this software, which allow to open, edit and store passwords on virtually any platform. As the passwords are stored in a single file, a versioning mechanism is required, which allows to track changes in the passwords on all devices and merge them together in order to keep the synchronized. There also exist online services which handle versioned password storage, but obviously this requires to give away sensitive information and to trust the provider for handling the passwords safely. Storing the encrypted password file in a cloud drive such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft Azure also solves the versioning issue partially, but still the data is out there on foreign servers. For this reason, the new Raspberry Pi Zero is a low cost, low power device, which can be turned into a privately managed and reasonable secure, versioned password store under your own control.

What is needed?

  1. A Raspberry Pi (in fact, a Linux system of any kind, in this example we use a new Zero Pi)
  2. Power supply
  3. SD micro card
  4. USB Hub
  5. Wifi Dongle
  6. USB Keyboard

Preparing the Raspberry Pi Zero

The Raspbian operating system can be easily installed by dumping the image to the SD micro card. As the Zero Pi does not come with an integrated network interface, a Wifi dongle can be used for enabling wireless networking. You can edit the config file  directly on the SD card, by opening it on a different PC with any editor, and provide the SSID and the shared secret already in advance.

# File /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Then place the card again in the Pi and boot it with a keyboard and wifi dongle attached and the Pi connected to a screen. Boot the device and login with standard credentials, which are the user name pi and the password raspberry.

sudo adduser stefan # add new user
sudo apt-get install openssh-server git-core # Install ssh server and git
passwd # change the default password
sudo adduser stefan sudo # add the new user to the sudoers

In the next step, it is recommended to use a static IP address for the Pi, as we need to configure port forwarding for a specific IP address for the router in a later step. Open the interfaces file and provide a static IP address as follows:

# File: /etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

You can then remove the HDMI cable and also the keyboard, as now SSH is available via the static IP address we just defined above.  The next step covers the installation of the [Git server][1] and the configuration of public key authentication.

sudo adduser git # add a new git user
su git # change into the git account
cd /home/git # change to home directory
mkdir .ssh # create the directory for the keys
chmod 700 .ssh # secure permissions
touch .ssh/authorized_keys  # create file for authorized keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys # secure permissions for this file```

We are now ready to create a key pair consting of a private and a public key. You can do this on your normal pc or on the Pi directly.

ssh-keygen -t rsa # Create a key pair and provide a strong password for the private key```

Note that you can provide a file name during the procedure. The tool creates a key pair consisting of a private and a public key. The public key ends with the suffix pub.

# Folder ~/Passwordstore $ ll
insgesamt 32
drwxr-xr-x  2 stefan stefan 4096 Mär 13 22:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 stefan stefan 4096 Mär 13 22:38 ..
-rw-------  1 stefan stefan 1766 Mär 13 22:40 pi_git_rsa
-rw-r--r--  1 stefan stefan  402 Mär 13 22:40

If you created the key files on a different PC than the Pi, you need to upload the public key to the Pi. We can do this with the following command:

cat ~/Passwordstore/ | ssh git@ "cat >>  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"```

If you generated the keys directly on the Pi it is sufficient to cat the key into the file directly. After you managed this step, verify that the key has been copied correctly. If the file looks similar like the following example, it worked.

git@zeropi:~/.ssh $ cat authorized_keys ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDZ7MZYvI……..wnQqchM1 stefan@pc

We can the test key based SSH authentication with the following command.

ssh -i pi_git_rsa git@ # connect with using the private key```

You are then prompted to connect to the Pi by using the private key password you specified earlier. Note that this password differs from the one we created for the git user. A less secure but more convenient solution is to leave the password empty during the key pair creation process. If the password has not been set, then everyone can connect to the Pi who gets hold of the private key.  By the way, additional interesting facts about passwords can be found here.

In order to increase convenience, you can add a short cut for this connection, by editing the /home/user/.ssh/config file. Simply add the following record for the password store SSH connection.

Host passwords
port 22
user git
IdentityFile    /home/stefan/passwort/pi_git_rsa

Now you can connect to the Pi by typing the following command `ssh passwords . Note that now you need to provide the password for the key file instead of the user password. Delete the pre-installed user pi from the system:

sudo userdel pi```

The default Raspbian partition configuration only utilises 2 GB of your SD card. This can become insuficient quickly. There exists a convenient tool which allows to increase the root partition to the full size of your SD card. Simply run the following command and select the appropriate menu item.

<span class="lang:default decode:true  crayon-inline ">sudo raspi-config</span>

## Prepare the Git Repository

In the following, we create an empty git repository which we will use for versioning the password database from Keepass.

mkdir Password-Repository git@zeropi:~ $ cd Password-Repository/ git@zeropi:~/Password-Repository $ git init –bare Initialisierte leeres Git-Repository in /home/git/Password-Repository/

The repository on the Pi is now ready for ingesting the passwords.

## Checkout the new Repository on your PC and add the Password File

Now that the repository is inititalized, we can start versioning the password file with git.  Clone the repository and add the password file to git, by copying the password file into the cloned repository directory.

git clone passwords:/home/git/Password-Repository cp /home/user/oldLocation/Password-Database.kdb ~/Password-Repository git add Password-Database.kdb git commit -m “initial commit”

The last step is to push the  newly committed password file to  the remote repository. You can improve the security by not adding the key file for KeePass into the repository.

git push origin master```

The basic setup is now completed and you can clone this repository on any device, in order to have the latest password file available.

Checkout the Password Repository on Your Phone

There exists a variety of Git clients for Android, which can deal with identity files and private key authentication. I have good experience with Pocket Git. Clone the repository by using the URL like this:


### Versioning the Password File: Pull, Commit and Push

Handling versions of the password file follows the standard git procedure. The only difference is, that in contrast to source code files for which git is usually used for, the encrypted password database does not allow for diffs. So you cannot find differences between to versions of the password database. For this reason, you need to make sure that you get the latest version of the password database before you edit the file. Otherwise you need to merge the file manually.  In order to avoid this, follow these steps from within the repository everytime you plan additions, edits or deletes of the password database.

  1. git pull
  2. \## make your changes
  3. git commit -m &#8220;describe your changes&#8221;
  4. git push

## Enabling Remote Access

You can already access the Git repository locally in your own network. But in order to retrieve, edit and store passwords from anywhere, you need to enable port forwarding and Dynamic DNS. Port forwarding is pretty easy. Enter your router&#8217;s Web interface, browse to the port forwarding options and specify an external and internal port which points to the IP of the Raspberry Pi.

  * IP Address
  * Internal port 22
  * External port (22100)
  * Protocol: both

Now the SSH service and therefore the Git repository becomes available via the external port 22100. As we left the internal port at the default, no changes for the SSH service are required.

For Dynamic DNS I regularly use <a href="" target="_blank">Duck DNS</a>, which is a free service for resolving dynamic IP addresses to a static host name. After registering for the service, you can choose a host name and download the installer. There exists an installer particularly for the <a href="" target="_blank">Raspberry Pi</a>. Follow this instructions and exchange the token and the domain name in the file to match your account.  You can now use the domain you registered for accessing the service from other machines outside your network.

## Security Improvements

The setup so far is reasonably secure, as only users having the key file and its password may authenticate with the Git repository user. It is in general good practice to disallow root to connect via SSH and to restrict remote access. Ensure that all other users on the system can only connect via SSH if and only if they use public key based authentication. Always use passwords for the key file, so that if someone should get hold of your keys, the still require a password.

You can also disable password login for the user git explicitly and allow passwords for local users. Add these lines in the sshd config file.

Match User git
PasswordAuthentication no

Match address PasswordAuthentication yes

If you know the IP addresses where you will update the password file in advance, consider limiting access only to these. The git user can authenticate with the key, but still may have too many privilieges and also could execute potentially harmful commands. Ensure that the git user is not in the list of superusers:

grep -Po ‘^sudo.+:\K.*$’ /etc/group```

The user git should not be in the output list. In order to limit the commands that the git user may execute, we can specify a list of allowed commands executable via SSH and utilise a specialised shell, which only permits git commands. Prepend the public key of the git user in the authorised_keys file as follows:

no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB ........```

In addition, we can change the default shell for the user git. Switch to a different user account with sudo privileges and issue the following command:

sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/git-shell git```

This special shell is called git-shell and comes with the git installation automatically. It only permits git specific commands, such as push and pull, which is sufficient for our purpose. If you now connect to the Pi with the standard SSH command, the connection will be refused:

stefan $ ssh passwords 
Enter passphrase for key '/home/passwort/pi_git_rsa': 

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sun Mar 20 20:48:04 2016 from
fatal: Interactive git shell is not enabled.
hint: ~/git-shell-commands should exist and have read and execute access.
Connection to closed.


The Uncomplicated FireWall (ufw) is way less comlex to setup than classic IP tables and provides exactly what the name implies: a simple firewall. You can install and initialize it as follows:

sudo apt-get install ufw # Insatall it
sudo ufw default deny incoming # Deny all incoming traffic 
sudo ufw allow ssh # Only allow incoming SSH
sudo ufw allow out 80 # Allow outgoing port 80 for the Duck DNS request
sudo ufw enable # Switch it on
sudo ufw status verbose # Verify status```

The great tutorials at <a href="" target="_blank">Digital Ocean</a> provide more details.

## Conclusion

In this little tutorial. we installed a Git server on a Raspberry Pi Zero (or any other Linux machine) and created a dedicated user for connecting to the service. The user requires a private key to access the service and the git server only permits key based logins from users other than users from the local network. The git user may only use a restricted shell and cannot login interactively. The password file is encrypted and all versions of the passwords are stored within the git repository.

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Backup your Emails or Migrate between two IMAP Servers with Offlineimap

Syncing IMAP Accounts Between Servers

Due to a change in our mail server infrastructure, I had to move all emails from the old account to a new IMAP account. Obviously if you create the new account in your email client such as thunderbird, you can simply drag and drop the messages between the accounts. Unfortunately, timeouts and other errors prevent you from being sure that all emails have been moved between the servers correctly, if you rely on the mail client only.

Thanks to the tool offlineimap, this task of moving emails can be made much more reliable and it can be automated. The method I describe in this post can also be used for backing up your local machine and preserve your precious emails from being lost, for instance when your provider needs to close down or goes out of business. Offlineimap is a Python project actively developed on Github. Clone the latest version to your local machine as shown below and enter the directory:

git clone
cd offlineimap

The tool uses a config file where you need to specify your email accounts and settings. In the offlineimap directory, you will find two sample configuration files. The minimal config looks like this:

# Sample minimal config file.  Copy this to ~/.offlineimaprc and edit to
# get started fast.

accounts = Test

[Account Test]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/Test

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = examplehost
remoteuser = jgoerzen

Copy this file to a location (e.g. /home/user/Offlineimap/offlineimaprc_migrate.conf) of your choice and open it in a editor.  For the example, consider that we have two mail servers. The server currently contains all the mails that we need to move to the new server In the terminology of offlineimap, the remote repository is our source We will move the mails to the new server, which is denoted localrepository. This might be a bit confusing, as we plan to move the mails not to our local server, but to the server So keep this in mind, not to confuse the locations. This is the configuration that we will use in this example. It will copy all emails from the source to the target mailserver over a secure connection.

accounts = Email-Sync
maxsyncaccounts = 1

[Account Email-Sync]
remoterepository = old_server
localrepository = new_server

[Repository old_server]
type = IMAP
remotehost =
remoteuser =
remotepass = secretPassword
ssl = yes
maxconnections = 1
cert_fingerprint = 11111aaaaaaaaaa1111111111cccccccccc111111
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder not in ['Trash','Gesendete Elemente','Notizen','Kontakte','Sent','Junk-E-Mail','Postausgang','Entw&APw-rfe','Kalender','Journal','Gel&APY-schte Elemente','Aufgaben']
readonly = true
[Repository new_server]
type = IMAP
remotehost =
remoteuser = newUser
remotepass = newSecretPassword
ssl = yes
cert_fingerprint = 222222222222222bbbbbbbbb22222222222222222
maxconnections = 1

The config file has several sections. The section general defines which accounts we want to synchronise. Here, we describe an offlineimap account, which is like a task. Do not confuse it with your actual email accounts. They are called repositories in offlineimap speech. In our example we have only one account called Email-Sync. The next section defines what we want to do with this account. We specify the source and the destination email accounts. As already said, the actual email accounts are denoted as repositories. Each repository is defined in its own section. This is the place to define the actual email accounts. Make sure to activate SSL. If offlineimap should complain about the CA or the certificate of the mail servers. it is very likely that you use self signed certificates and you need to tell offline imap that this is a trusted domain. We can achieve this by providing the fingerprint of the mail server certificate. You can use the following command to get the fingerprint from the mail server:

openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin | sed 's/./\L&/g' |  sed 's/\://g'```

This snippet retrieves the public certificate of the mail server and prints it in the terminal. The gmail mail server for instance has this fingerprint:

 openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin SHA1 Fingerprint=E1:D6:E8:F1:69:72:75:CF:8F:1C:CF:E6:35:B0:42:30:C0:1D:62:C2```

Offlineimap expects the fingerprint in lower case letters and without the colon. The command above turns the fingerprint string into lower case and removes the colons. So again with the Gmail example, this is what the command does:

openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin | sed 's/./\L&/g' |  sed 's/\://g'
sha1 fingerprint=e1d6e8f1697275cf8f1ccfe635b04230c01d62c2

You just need the later part of the line and copy it into the config file. Note that the configuration above stores your passwords in plain text, which is in general a bad idea. If you remove the lines with remotepass from the config file, offlineimap will prompt you for your passwords.

Create a Local Backup

Offlineimap is also suited very well for creating local backups of your IMAP accounts. You can store all your emails in the maildir format, which creates a folder structure with your messages on the hard drive. Use a config file similar file like the one below:

accounts = Mail-Server

[Account Mailserver-Local]
localrepository = Local-Backup
remoterepository = Mail-Server

[Repository Local-Backup]
type = Maildir
localfolders = /media/BackupPartition/Offline-Imap_BACKUP/
sep = /

[Repository Mail-Server]
type = IMAP
remotehost =
remoteuser = stefan
ssl = yes
maxconnections = 2
realdelete = no
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder not in ['Trash','Gesendete Elemente','Notizen','Kontakte','Junk-E-Mail','Postausgang','Entw&APw-rfe','Kalender','Journal','Gel&APY-schte Elemente','Aufgaben']

The realdelete=no flat option prevents that emails which have been deleted from your mail server will also be removed from the local backup.

Start Syncing

After you have your configuration ready, you can test the tool with the option –dry-run like this:

./ -c /home/user/Offlineimap/offlineimaprc_migrate.conf

Unfortunately, offlineimap throws errors in the dry-run, which is does not in the actual run. So if you can connect, you may need to run it directly. Note that we included the readonly flag for our source repository, in order to prevent changes there. Offlineimap can be a bit picky about folder names and translation rules. In the example above we excluded some folders from the transfer, as they caused problems either because they contained umlauts or other issues. Also there seems to be a race condition sometimes, leading to offlineimap complaining about existing folders. Repeating the process of creating the folders and waiting a few seconds seemed to resolve the problem. The documentation of offlineimap is quite extensive and a great source for finding out more on that topic.

Neue Rezension: Linux Magazin – Alles über MySQL

Das Linux Magazin hat in seiner Ausgabe 09/2015 die folgende Rezension veröffentlicht:

Dass dieses Buch wenige Fragen offen lassen will, machen schon seine Dimensionen deutlich: Über 800 Seiten ergeben einen soliden Wälzer. So stellen die Autoren ihren umfangreichen Erklärungen zu MySQL denn auch eine Einführung in das Thema Datenbanken an sich voran und machen den Leser mit den grundlegenden Techniken der Datenmodellierung bekannt.

Im zweiten Teil geht es dann systematisch um die MySQL-Administration: Er erläutert die Architektur der Datenbank, die Installation und die Bordwerkzeuge nebst einem Abstecher zu den Themen Backup und Monitoring sowie die Performance-Optimierung im Hinblick auf Hardware und Konfiguration. Der Optimierung von Abfragen ist dagegen ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Außerdem werden in eigenen Kapiteln Replikation und Hochverfügbarkeit beziehungsweise Sicherheit diskutiert.

Der sehr umfangreiche dritte Teil widmet sich dann der Software-Entwicklung in und für MySQL: Angefangen von Stored Procedures über SQL-Programmierung bis zu Schnittstellen zu anderen Programmiersprachen. Auch NoSQL mit MySQL stellt er von Grund auf vor.

Die Autoren verstehen es, ihren Stoff gründlich und gut verständlich zu vermitteln. Zahlreiche Beispiele illustrieren das Dargebotene. Damit ist das Buch eine Empfehlung für angehende DBAs, aber auch für den gestandenen Admin, dem es als Referenz nützlich ist.

Quelle: Linux Magazin

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VirtualBox 4 – Performance Problems Solved

For a current project I am working on, I need several Linux machines running simultaneously, in order to perform some test-runs. Further more, I need a Windows 7 installation, because I have to use some software only available for Microsoft Systems. Therefore, the virtualization solution VirtualBox, is quite handy to manage all of systems. Although my host system is not really state of the art ( Dual-Core E5200 @ 2.50GHz , 6GB RAM), the system performs quite nicely with several guests up and running at the same time. Only if I would perform complex tasks within a Linux guest, such as compiling software from source, the whole system would freeze and be unusable until a reset. After googeling for a while, I

found a solution to this problem. The trick is to set the kernel option nohz=off in the GRUB boot menu file, you can find in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Open this file as root user and locate the record of your current kernel. Simply add the before mentioned option to this line and reboot the host system. The complete kernel boot section should no be similar to this one here:

title           Ubuntu 10.10, kernel 2.6.35-28-generic-pae
uuid            94e1022f-4ffd-4825-b8ca-2e86eca07d10
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-28-generic-pae root=UUID=94e1..d10 ro quiet splash
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-28-generic-pae

After I added this option, the system behaved much better and did not freeze anymore.